Am I bound by their advice?

No, the members of the group share ideas, thoughts and if possible their practical experiences to help you see your issue more clearly but you are not bound by their suggestions.

Is it confidential?

Confidentiality is the hall mark of any Presidents Round Table.  In the initial training of the Presidents Round Table members examples are given where breaches in confidentiality have destroyed the trust built by the group.  Breaches are treated very seriously and breaching members are typically asked to leave the group.

Why do you need an Presidents Round Table?

No business person should be an Island. You have great ideas, but just like the sayings go: There is safety in numbers and two heads are better than one (In this case 12-15).  This is a structured way to bring issues before a peer group who can help you see and think clearly.  You are too involved in the day to day operation and cannot step back to see the forest from the trees.  Everyone has different life experiences and knowledge.  With an Presidents Round Table all this comes to play for you and for them.

Where did the Presidents Round Table Idea come from : 

Presidents Round Tables have been used for years, but the primary use is in an organization called Young Presidents Organization (YPO).  YPO gives each of it’s members a chance to participate in an Advisory Board called a Forum to other YPO members.  Forum is the highest rated benefit and experience of YPO membership.



How often does the Presidents Round Table meet?

Typically an Presidents Round Table meets once a month.  The group decides on whether to meet during the Summer or during the holidays.  Typically a group might have a summer event to invite spouses or significant others, and during the holiday have a similar event to celebrate the years accomplishments.

How is an Presidents Round Table more effective?

Different Perspectives: An Presidents Round Table brings with it a wide range of experiences and perspectives. A sufficiently varied board can bring different perspectives to your problem.

Is there a cost involved: Yes, there is a monthly fee that covers the meeting room, drinks, snacks, possibly meals, facilitation, materials, learning resources, books and other expenses. 

Is it cost effective: Yes, working on your business for 4-6 hours a month, and getting input from your peers is invaluable.

More productive: With an Presidents Round Table you will have up to 15 other people assisting you on your issues, problems or opportunities. This feedback is invaluable when you need to make important decisions for you and your companies future.

Structured learning: Presidents Round Tables organized by others often have workshops for structured learning as it is often cost-effective to bring in world class speakers to help you develop your skills and understanding of the latest business tools and thinking.

Structured problem solving: Presidents Round Tables run by others have structured problem solving sessions so that if you have a challenging problem where there is no clear answer or even process for resolving it then the Presidents Round Table’s expert facilitator or chair can provide a structured environment to help you unpack the problem and think through the actions needed to work towards its resolution.

Share difficult issues: An Presidents Round Table is working on your behalf and so if you have an issue with a fellow director or shareholder then the Presidents Round Table is likely to be the only place where you can share the issue in confidence and receive a sympathetic and understanding ear.

So when you are looking to grow your company and you considering recruiting either an executive or non-executive director, first consider whether an Presidents Round Table would a more productive and cost effective option.

If you would like to be part of an Presidents Round Table in your area, contact: coachbillie@