11 Ways to Bulletproof Your Business Against the Dreaded Summer Lull

In our three-part series on seasonal lulls in business, Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO) members share strategies and best practices to prevent seasonality from impacting your business bottom line.

Billie Attaway, an Entrepreneur’s Organization member and “recovering serial entrepreneur,” coaches business owners to achieve BHAGs (big, hairy, audacious goals) at HyperGrowth. We asked Billie to share strategies for bulletproofing a business against a summer slump. Here’s what he had to say: [button style=”btn-link btn-sm” icon=”fa fa-external-link” align=”right” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Continue to Inc. site” link=”https://www.inc.com/entrepreneurs-organization/11-ways-to-bulletproof-your-business-against-the-d.html” linkrel=”nofollow”]