The Rockefeller Habits are, basically, a checklist your company must have in order to grow their business. At present, more than 25,000 companies use these methods, as presented in Verne Harnish’s book, Scaling Up.
The Rockefeller Habits Checklist
- The executive team is healthy and aligned: Basically, the team members need to have a good understanding of each other and their individual duties. Accomplish this through weekly meetings, monthly education, and frequent debates.
- Everyone is aligned with the #1 thing that needs to be accomplished this quarter to move the company forward: Identify a critical number, identify the handful of priorities needed to support that number, inform employees of progress toward the number, and reward the employees that bring the critical number to fruition.
- Communication rhythm is established and information moves through organization accurately and quickly: Quick (10-15 minute) daily meetings withall employees, teams conduct more in-depth weekly meetings, once-per-month learning sessions with executive and middle managers, and those same executive and middle managers will meet off-site to work on the 4 Decisions.
- Every facet of the organization has a person assigned with accountability for ensuring goals are met: Complete a FACe (Function Accountability Chart), assign a line of each financial statement to a person, assign someone to each of the 4-9 processions on the Process Accountability Chart, and ensure every 3-5 year Key Thrust or Capability has a corresponding expert on the Advisory Board if the internal expertise doesn’t exist.
- Ongoing employee input is collected to identify obstacles and opportunities: All executive and middle managers participate in a Start/Stop/Keep conversation with at least one employee per week. Those insights are then shared during the weekly executive team meeting. A mid-management team is then responsible for closing the loop on all obstacles and opportunities.
- Reporting and analysis of customer feedback data is as frequent and accurate as financial data: Everyone in the managerial level holds a 4Q conversation with at least one product/service user weekly. The feedback is then shared at a weekly executive team meeting. A mid-management team is, once again, responsible for closing the loop on all obstacles and opportunities.
- Core values and purpose are “alive” in the organization: Find the core values and purposes for your organization. Once you have them, HR processes (hiring, orientation, etc.), managers, and executives should all utilize them.
- Employees can articulate the following key components of the company’s strategy accurately: Track your Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs). You’ll also want to concoct 25-word profiles of core customers in order to better understand them. Identify 3 Brand Promises and report on them weekly. Finally, prepare an Elevator Pitch: a short pitch with a compelling response to the question “What does your company do?”.
- All employees can answer quantitatively whether they had a good day or week: Identify the KPIs for each position and report on them weekly for each role or person. They should also have a Critical Number that aligns with the organization’s critical number.
- The company’s plans and performance are visible to everyone: Establish a situation room for physical meetings. Ensure that your core values, purpose, and priorities are posted everywhere, along with scoreboard keeping track of progress on KPIs and critical numbers.
That may seem like a lot. However, we’re more than happy to help you with this. You can take the assessment for Rockfeller Habits on our website, along with more great information. If you’d like to set up an initial consultation contact us.