Employees are the backbone of every organization. They churn out products and/or services under your company brand, directly affecting the finances controlling your company’s fate. Poorly-trained or poorly-motivated employees sink businesses on a daily basis — but you, as a manager, can ensure that doesn’t happen. Here are four reasons why you should know how to coach employees.
Photo Credit: StockRocket Increases performance and decreases deficiencies — A good manager is an attentive manager. Managers should always be on the lookout for poor-performing employees, and should take steps to address the issue. Take note of specific behaviors rather than making comments that sound judgmental. You’ll want to sit down with the struggling employee, bring the issue to light (calmly and professionally, without accusation or hostility), and discuss ways of resolving it (which may mean correcting some aspect of their job performance, or just clarifying a performance expectation). With proper coaching, the employee will understand their job duties and expectations, and will work to produce high-quality results.
- Builds employees’ self-esteem — There are, unfortunately, unfeeling and uncaring managers in this world. This is counterproductive to crafting an engaging work environment. Managers should always use their powers to build up their employees, not break them down. That’s not to say there shouldn’t be disciplinary actions for egregious infractions. Rather, managers should be supportive, helpful, and empathetic. These features will allow their employees to …
- … increase creativity and innovation — Self-efficacy (a belief that one can succeed) positively affects creativity, and creativity drives organizations forward. Those possessing low self-esteem rarely innovate. In fact, those with low self-esteem have difficulty even making logical decisions. Why? The amygdala. The amygdala is one of the parts of the brain controlling fear responses. When triggered, it overrides the neocortex (the part of the brain which controls reasoning), effectively rendering an employee useless. Breaking down your employees is self-defeating. Instead, build them up through positive coaching and enjoy happier, more productive, and more creative employees who are truly beneficial to your organization.
- Decreases turnover and increases retention — Happy, well-supported employees stick around. This is huge. You may be aware that it costs 1.5 – 2.5 times a skilled or semi-skilled employee’s salary to replace that employee. These expenses include job postings, the interview process, the loss of productivity, and more. Long-term employees become more efficient at their jobs over time, and may eventually earn a promotion. Promoting from within decreases the employee’s learning time on the new job (saving the organization money), and internal employees are less likely to turn over than someone brought in from the outside (due to their familiarity with the organization).
In conclusion, coaching is crucial to your company’s success. Employees need to know how they’re performing, they need to feel supported, and they need to feel motivated. In return, they will strive to accomplish organizational goals, positively impact organizational culture, and contribute to the organization’s profits. Through coaching, you can improve almost every aspect of your business. Why wouldn’t you include coaching in your managerial arsenal?
Interested in learning more about coaching? Visit Hyper Growth Business Strategies. Stay tuned to our blog for more helpful content!